Board Saber Sword


1. 七星跨虎交刀勢 Seven Star change in a sitting tiger Posture.

2. 騰挪閃展意氣揚 Stance rouses mind and energy.

3. 左顧右盼兩分張 Looking left and right expanding to both sides.

4. 白鶴展翅五行掌 White Crane open the Wings form five element Hand.

5. 風捲荷花葉內藏 Wind rolling up the Lotus leaves conceals under.

6. 玉女穿梭八方勢 Fair Lady shuttle to all directions.

7. 三星開合自主張 Three Star Open and closing by its own.

8. 二起腿來打虎勢 Rise Kick, then perform fighting tiger posture.

9. 披身斜掛鴛鴦腳 Expresses the body at an angle with a Mandarin Duck kick.

10. 順水推舟鞭作篙 Following the movement staff like a punting-pole.

11. 下勢三合自由招 lower posture close up free style.

12. 左右分水龍門跳 spreading the water left and right like jumping over.

13. 卞和攜石鳳還巢 Phoenix Return to the nest carrying the stone.

吾師留下四刀讚 Master left with four saber form.

口傳心授不妄教 Never forget what is taught, closing the form.