
Yang Tai Chi Chuan is the most popular and widely practised style in the world today. Easy to learn and is slow, even, and circular movements, which have great benefits for health, both externally and internally.

The Tai Chi Chuan is the traditional Chinese type of martial art has been practiced and use in China for over many many years. Tai Chi Chuan is an ancient and traditional form of Chinese martial art, incorporating soft as well as hardcore offensive movements and is suitable for all ages, from minors to seniors, who enjoy significant improvements both physically and in mind relaxation. Tai Chi has also been recognized as one of the best exercises for body balance.

One of the biggest difficulties for new comers to taichi is that there seems to be a lot of different tai chi styles and forms.

The main differences between the different tai chi styles are in the speed and pace of performance and the way the body holds the poses in terms of posture and intent.

The oldest tai chi chuan styles are Chen style with coiling moves and fast transitions in speed between slow and very fast together with stamping moves and explosive releases of power and Yang style with evenly paced flowing moves.

What are the benefits of practicing tai chi?

  • Improve your health and slow the aging process
  • Increase immune function and prevent illness
  • Improve your circulation, digestion and coordination
  • Heighten awareness
  • Keep and maintain good and proper body weight
  • Strengthen your joints and increase flexibility
  • Improve physical, mental and emotional health
  • Enable you to enjoy a more useful, Peaceful and longer life.